1 best Affiliate Experience/part 3

Hello, everyone. I hope you are all happy and healthy. As you know, I am sharing my affiliate experiences with you that I face as a new affiliate.


Last time I talked about hosting and websites, I hope you all understand the basic steps.  I know it’s time to talk about the issues that I face after opening a website. One thing that I know, but I don’t do it because maybe I am overconfident.  After buying hosting and domain, you first prepare the basic page that is required for the website.

In a simple word, you buy land and book a contractor, but you take some time for the proper material. So website pages and layout are your material. So after domain and hosting, these pages are important. I have already shown you how to prepare these pages.

My website is open, and I don’t have anything to place. I am very worried because my website is live on Google, but thanks to YouTube, I saw a video on how to stop search engines from seeing my website live. Within some days, I complete all required pages and website layout. Before I again live my website, I prepared four informative posts for it. because it is very important to show something to people.

You think my affiliate marketing journey started, but this is the start of the actual problem. There are a lot of misconceptions about affiliate marketing. that this is very easy and you earn money by just working at home. But no, there is a lot more that no one talks about.

In my mind, I want to apply Amazon affiliate marketing. But my research has shown me that website traffic and following are so important that nobody told me during my research period. You experience this by yourself by watching any kind of influencer.  These influencers already have followers, which is why they are successful. But as a beginning, if you do not follow, you are not successful in this field. First, build any kind of traffic source.

Followers help in the approval of the affiliate program. So my plan of joining Amazan is not possible because I do not have any traffic because I just launched my website and did not follow any of my social accounts. So I have to find a solution. In my mind, I try to apply to some easy affiliate approval program, so I start my journey. First, I applied to the freelance market because I saw in a video that it pays you by referral; they don’t have an affiliate program. 

So in my mind, I have to try this. I completed all requirements, and my account is open, but the interesting part is yet to come. This market pays you, but there is one condition: you do not withdraw this money; only use it to buy a bid on this plate form. How much I am disappointed, you never imagined.

In the coming days, I’ll be looking into what I should do next. So stay connected to my blog for more information.


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